Gathering Angels

countdown till our spiritual gathering begins

The Daughters of Heaven

Who are the “Daughters of Heaven”?

The Daughters of Heaven are a unique, and final, facet of Lightworkers incarnating into the planet and are only NOW becoming aware of this role/title. They are embodiments of the Divine Mother, serving as midwives to assist in the birthing of the Christ within all beings. They are Children of God who have come to observe, feel, and make holy, the world around them. They tap into the energies of the unseen, and by choosing to “see” at such a high level, they actually ignite a spark where there was once only darkness. And although Lightworkers are here to serve mankind, the Daughters of Heaven are here to serve God.

How is this gathering different?

This event is more than just a conference, it’s an activation and celebration into the remembrance of our role in God’s Divine Plan. It’s a multi-dimensional experience that features some of the finest musicians and performers in the world, holding space and supporting the attendees throughout the event. The format allows us to immerse ourselves into celebration, worship, and oneness. This event is introducing a brand new topic and is presenting a brand new way of experiencing such gatherings. In this sacred container, we are activating the blueprint of a new spiritual network that will henceforth keep us connected and supported as we journey through life and into our ascension.

Friday, September 26th Itinerary

10:00pm—Vendors Open
12:00pm—Opening Ceremony

Saturday, September 27th Itinerary

8:00am—Vendors Open
9:00am—Opening Ceremony

Unique Digital Ideas

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Promotional Video

Daughters of Heaven

Speakers & Musicians

Robin Miller


Teresa Joy


Rebecca Abraxas

Channeled Voice & Crystal Bowls

Articles and Videos

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The Daughters of Heaven Book

Living in the Presence of the Divine Mother

We are excited to introduce Michael Mirdad’s highly anticipated book, “The Daughters of Heaven,” which unveils the emergence of this extraordinary new group of God’s Healers and Lightworkers. Through profound teachings and spiritual insights, Mirdad guides readers on a transformative journey, illuminating their role as extensions of the Divine Mother and spiritual midwives for the birth of a new world. This captivating book captures the palpable energy and global shift in consciousness sparked by the announcement, inviting readers to embrace their divine potential, contribute to the awakening of humanity, and co-create a world filled with harmony, compassion, and enlightenment. Join us in exploring the wisdom and revelations within “Daughters of Heaven” as we embark on an extraordinary journey of awakening, empowerment, and the realization of our divine purpose.

Daughters of Heaven Conference

Get Your Tickets

In-Person Admission
$300.002 DAY Event
  • Event Dates Sept. 26th-27th
All Ticket Purchases Through Eventbrite or
at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness
$200.002 Day Event
  • Event Dates Sept. 26th-27th
All Ticket Purchases Through Eventbrite or
at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness

Stay Informed On Event Details

A Gathering of Souls Who Are Becoming the Presence of the Divine Mother

Conference 2023

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Daughters of Heaven Conference

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